Legal Team

Marcelo Montero


Marcelo has more than 30 years of experience in complex litigation and business law.

He holds a Master in Sciences of Law from Stanford University (2001-2002) and received the Lieberman Fellowship Award from the same university (2002). In 2001, he obtained the Fernando Fueyo Laneri Foundation Scholarship to study abroad.

He was Dean of the Faculty of Law of the Diego Portales University (2017-2020) and, previously, he was Director of the Department of Civil Law and the Department of Legal Theory.

He was a professor of Civil Law and Philosophy of Law at the Diego Portales University. He has also taught courses on Law and Morals, Contemporary Moral Problems, and Contemporary Political Thought. He has also taught courses associated with fostering entrepreneurship and innovation in business.

He has been a regular professor at the Judicial Academy of Chile (1996-2017).

He was President of the Fernando Fueyo Foundation (2017-2020), the main Private Law Research Center in Chile.

He is also a member of the Advisory Board of the PROhumana Foundation (on Corporate Social Responsibility).

He is and has been a member of the board of directors of various non-for-profit organizations and businesses, including transnational companies.

He is President for Chile of the World Jurist Association and a founding member of the World Law Foundation, both organizations dedicated to promoting the rule of law throughout the world.

He holds a Diploma in International Business Law from the American University Washington College of Law (1999). He participated in the courses of the American and International Law of the Southwestern Legal Foundation (current Center for American and International Law), in which he obtained the “First Victor Folsom Fellow” Scholarship by being chosen as the best student in Latin America (1997).

He worked at Carey (1997-2000) and at Morales & Besa (2002-2006). He also worked at Latin Valley, a developer of technological start-ups (2000-2002).

Since 2019 he has ventured into Artificial Intelligence projects and technological projects for digitalized business models.

He has been a strategic advisor to law firms in Latin America (2006-2024) and has given workshops and lectures on the evolution of the legal profession.

He studied at the Faculty of Law of the Diego Portales University, obtaining his graduate’s Degree in Legal and Social Sciences with maximum distinction. He received the Best Student award in the entire Faculty of Law on three occasions. He participated in various student initiatives and was a founding member of the Law Academy. He received the Libertas Scholarship, awarded by the Libertas Corporation and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany, as a prize for his undergraduate thesis (noted as one of the best of the year 1990).

He speaks Spanish and English.