Areas of Practice

Civil, Commercial and Constitutional Litigation

Our firm has preferential dedication and extensive experience in representing the interest of its clients before ordinary courts, including an intense practice in oral defenses before the superior courts of justice and the Constitutional Court. We have participated in all kinds of disputes, whether contractual or non-contractual liability, nullity of public and private acts, compensations for damages and torts, all kind of claims, possessory actions, inapplicability requirements, and all kind of constitutional actions, claims in expropriations, among others.

Our work involves the stages of negotiation and conflict prevention, injunctions, ordinary, summary and special litigation, and the stage of sentences enforcement.

National and International Arbitration

Parraguez Marín & del Río has extensive and knowledge in arbitrations, both national and international, before various institutions (CAM Santiago, ICC, etc.), having participated in several of the most relevant cases of the last decades, in markets as varied as mining, media, financial institutions, environment, energy, pension funds, real estate conflicts, among others.

We litigate before one-person and collegiate courts, appointed by the parties, the ordinary justice or by the institutions that administer arbitrations (CAM Santiago, ICC, etc.). Several of our partners have acted as arbitrators and/or mediators in various kinds of disputes, giving our team a complete view of arbitral justice.

Regulatory and Administrative Conflicts

We have extensive knowledge and experience in public law and, especially, in regulatory law. We frequently represent the interests of our clients before the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic, the bodies of the State Administration, including Municipalities, Superintendencies, the Commission for the Financial Market (CMF), the Courts of Public Procurement and, in general, all the spectrum of authorities with sectorial competence.

Construction Proceedings

At Parraguez Marín & del Río we have extensive experience and a team specialized in conflicts in the field of engineering and construction, representing both principals and contractors. In this area, Parraguez Marín & del Río has represented local and foreigner clients in preliminary and judicial disputes for costs overruns, delays in execution, responsibility for construction and engineering defects and, in general, in all aspects of this type of procedures.

Criminal Litigation

We have experience representing our clients, eithers as plaintiffs or defenders, in criminal cases. Our firm frequently advises and represents companies and individuals for economic and tax crimes, cybercrime, money laundering, violations of industrial and intellectual property law, among others.

Labor Litigation

We have extensive experience representing companies throughout the country in labor lawstuis, complaints and claims, including unjustified and harmful dismissals, labor guardianships, anti-union and unfair practices in collective bargaining, as well as those derived from labor accidents, professional diseases and subcontracting relationships.

Business Consulting in Labor Matters

At Parraguez Marín & del Río we are experts in advising mining companies and mining suppliers con labor, union, maternity and union immunities, collective bargaining and union matters, as well as health and safety issues at work.

Mining Litigation

We have represented small, medium and large mining companies, both Chilean and foreign, that exploit both metallic and non-metallic minerals, in all stages of the development of a mining project, and in the multiple aspects that the activity involves (exploration and exploitation). We have extensive experience in mining litigation and we are experts in the constitution of mining property, easement lawsuits, lawsuits opposing the constitution mining property, among others.

Free Competition

We have represented our clients in investigation before the National Economic Prosecutor, prior serving of acquisitions, mergers and conglomerates, actions before the Tribunal for the Defense of Free Competition, conciliation agreements and civil lawsuits derived from violations of free competition laws.

Corporate Governance, Compliance and Organization of Family Assets

We have a solid experience in the organization of estates and family governance, in the constitution, organization and government of companies and in corporate governance.

We design Crime Prevention Models for legal entities and those intended for compliance with Free Competition regulations, accompanying them in their implementation, training and enforcement.

Corporate and Commercial Consulting

Our firm provides advice to companies of all sizes and industries, at all stages of the structuring and development of their businesses, including the design, negotiation, and implementation of partnership formulas; mergers and acquisitions; negotiation and management of contracts in the corporate, commercial, financial area of foreign investment and, in general, in the aspects of business activity.

Bankruptcy and Restructuring

Our litigation experience allow us to face the most challenging scenarios of our clients. We cover all the different aspects of bankruptcy process, including the design and implementation of negotiation plans and the representation of our clients in both judicial and extrajudicial settlements.