About Us

Parraguez Marín & del Río is a firm specialized in the solution of legal conflicts. Its partners and associates have deep experience in all stages of disputes: strategic analysis and negotiation, conflict prevention and mediation, and litigation before ordinary, arbitration and administrative courts. Its members have participated as active parties, third parties and arbitrators in several of the most relevant disputes in recent decades.

It is a law firm characterized by its pluralism and a horizontal and flexible organization style, values that allow it to integrate different visions into ins work, obtaining creative and efficient solutions to the problems and needs of its clients. Parraguez Marín & del Río’s lawyers are committed to the result, combining experience, excellence and human quality.

The main areas of expertise are the representation of the legal and judicial interests of companies and business families, in civil, labor, commercial, constitutional, administrative, criminal and regulatory matters.

Parraguez Marín & del Río has main offices in Santiago and Antofagasta, and has regional alliances in various cities in Chile. It also maintains close collaboration with foreign law firms, allowing it to provide its clients with immediate legal and judicial advice in those disputes that arise throughout the country or that involve other jurisdictions.


We act with honesty, integrity, good faith, confidentiality and, above all, we preserve our independence in order to avoid being affected by conflicts of interest.


Our work makes a difference. We advise and defend with commitment and responsibility, aspiring that each of the lawyers who work at Parraguez Marín & del Río work for the optimal solution and the precise advice.


We believe that the formation of work teams is fundamental for excellence, which is why we promote the strengthening of camaraderie and loyalty among Parraguez Marín & del Río’s lawyers, forming heterogeneous teams in consideration of the specific characteristics of each case.

Clients oriented

We always work with commitment and in the best interest of our clients, putting that interest before that of any other person, and respecting their autonomy and dignity. Or professional performance seeks, above all, the satisfaction of the needs of our clients, and the construction of a personalized relationship.

We value diversity

We are committed to diversity and the construction of an inclusive society, promoting the insertion and job performance of lawyers who belong to groups that present common conditions, characteristics or orientations, for which they have historically had low participation or inadequate insertion in work, or have been discriminated against, towards positions of leadership and influence in the legal profesión.

At Budasis, we exist to creatively enjoy the profession we have chosen, to establish solid and long-term interpersonal bonds among our professionals, as well as between them and our clients, and, consequently, to generate abundance that can be equitably and meritocratically distributed. Our firm aspires to manage a potentially infinite network of human relationships, contributing to cooperation between people and the resolution of conflicts between them.